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Smart Speaker Development Solution


The smart speaker is developed using Jiuqi MCU, and the smart speaker is an upgraded product of the speaker. It is a tool for home consumers to use their voice to access the Internet such as on-demand songs, online shopping, or to know the weather forecast. It can also control smart home devices such as opening curtains and setting refrigerator temperature, pre-setting warm water heaters, and more.

smart speaker


01 acoustic speaker

02 microphone

03 application processor chip

04 Audio codec chip


Smart speaker PCB structure description

1. Automatic speech recognition

2. Natural language understanding

3. DM: Dialogue Management

4. NLG: Natural Language Generation

5. TTS: Text to Speech


The program can be customized according to the customer’s PCB pin and mode requirements.

The key can select high effective or low effective.

Generic PCB files are available.

Schematic diagrams can be designed according to customer needs.

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